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Today's News - July 13, 2006

Rybczynski's take on why experimental architecture isn't working out for Denver (comment section interesting, too). -- Five Denverites envision a new "urban heart" for the city. -- British mayor launching international competition to transform his town. -- Famous for the infamous, a magistrates' court bows out after 271 years. -- Renewed life for a museum in Australia. -- With 46 interior design and architecture magazines, design is hot in Russia, though "aesthetic standards still have a long way to go" (but there's always Photoshop). -- The Chicago architect who left his mark on Sydney. -- Green roofs no longer an oddity. -- Can edible lawns be far behind? -- A wow of a W Hotel for Philadelphia. -- An architectural battle in Santa Fe: will it "devolve into a cartoon version of itself"? -- The world's first feminist bridge crosses the Seine. -- A new book asks where do poor people live. -- The Happy Planet Index measures quality of life against environmental impact. -- Forbes comes up with the most expensive cities (and zip codes) in the U.S.




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