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Today's News - July 7, 2006

In the midst of World Cup fever, a question arises: What if the world cared about sustainability as much as soccer? -- Green slowly sweeping across the U.S. -- A summertime web series covering the fundamentals of green building. -- The town great architecture isn't saving: "Would Columbus not be a better place today had all that energy gone into a concerted program of creative urban planning?" - Three insightful (and amusing) takes on Koolhaas's Serpentine "cosmic egg" (Pearman even has pix!). -- Nine common hospital planning mistakes (#3: Humoring the "squeaky wheel"). -- In Nigeria, an architect regales the profession and its lack of fellowship. -- An American architect in post-war Afghanistan confronts stark realities and finds solutions. -- More than horses are winning at Ascot. -- AIA launches podcasts with Predock, Stewart, and more. -- Shriveled carrots and sports a new strategy in engineering education. -- Weekend diversions: In Melbourne, everyday objects designed by architects. -- In Washington, DC, and New York, a photographic chronicle of Alabama's vanishing architecture. - One we couldn't resist: Dutch architect designs a magnetic bed (pace-makers not recommended).




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