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Today's News - June 30, 2006

EDITOR'S NOTE: We will be celebrating the 4th of July by making the 3rd an extra day of independence - we'll be back Wednesday, July 5. ------ Florida and Kotkin on mega-cities and the 'burbs (and links to some other interesting urban articles). -- Dubai's big dreams are a chance of a lifetime for architects, and a cause of environmental concern. -- Wanted: a new planning director for Vancouver "ready to shake-up the tired planning model of Condos First." -- New Urbanism comes to the Scottish Highlands (no, it won't be a copy of Seaside). -- Another take on the new Freedom Tower. -- School design should make them "centers of community." -- Could France's Millau Viaduct be the solution for Seattle's Elliott Bay? -- A monumental footbridge as memorial in Australia. -- New rules for New Zealand architects. -- Herzog & de Meuron at MoMA: they should keep their day job. -- A new book looks at the roots of how we became a throw-away society. -- ArchVoices essay competition winners announced.




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