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Today's News - May 30, 2006

We're back -- with so much catching up to do! -- ArcSpace takes us to Tbilisi where dance studios are choreographed by a river. -- London's Olympics 2012 plans: smokescreens, propaganda, and public skepticism. -- The new urbanist architecture critics love to hate, but Gulf Coast communities embrace. -- Casino designs for Philadelphia's Delaware waterfront mostly "nondescript boxes" - except (perhaps) one. -- Prefab is not all it's cut out to be. -- In New York, there's nothing pianissimo about Piano, and two takes on the city's newest skyscrapers. -- Move over China: Miami is becoming the new "idea lab" for starchitects. -- Target targets D.C. - and wins (and so does the neighborhood). -- New JetBlue terminal will have passengers dancing. -- A "sprawling" new arts center for Orlando. -- A clean, unassuming geometry for new Museum of Contemporary Art/Denver. -- A major overhaul for Israel Museum. -- The play's the thing for theater designer. -- Millennium Park as Chicago's new town square.

EXHIBITION: Barcelona in Progress




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