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Today's News - May 3, 2006
The "high priest of the New Urbanist city-planning movement" forges ahead in New Orleans. -- In a California suburb "it's as though Jacobs never existed...life without wheels is inconceivable." -- Rogers is next starchitect for Ground Zero. -- Hearst Tower: "Foster has inserted as much signature "Foster" as he could." -- Gehry's Grand Avenue "a surprisingly down-to-earth and practical scheme." -- Piano's Morgan Library: "spaces of physical lightness and luminosity." -- His very green home for 10,000 live animals in San Francisco breaks ground. -- Engineers are green from the ground up. -- An old hospital given new life. -- Reinventing the flophouse as a decent home. -- One of "Scotland's finest 20th-century architectural masterpieces" ironically endangered by those who want to preserve it. -- A young Australian architect making waves. -- In Toronto, an apartment may - or may not - be a Philip Johnson (either way, it's yours for $15 million). -- Pollack documentary is "a strikingly sincere portrait of an artist...Gehry is what everyone wishes celebrities and artists to be: down to earth."

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The Man With the Plan: New Urbanist Leader Duany Forges Ahead With His Ideas For Rebuilding New Orleans...the high priest of the New Urbanist city-planning movement...in hopes of showcasing New Urbanism...Duany has covered more than $150,000 in costs... -- Duany Plater-Zyberk & Co. (DPZ); Reed Kroloff [images]- Wall Street Journal |
We have lost a strong voice against sprawl: How's this for irony: I learned of Jane Jacobs' death last week while in a place that would make her roll over in her grave...The challenge that America faces is to create suburban landscapes that inspire lasting affection. By John King- San Francisco Chronicle |
Richard Rogers to Design Tower at Ground Zero: his fourth major commission in New York...the various architects and planners were striving for cooperation. -- Fumihiko Maki; Childs/SOM; Foster; Arad; Calatrava; Gehry; Libeskind- New York Times |
Norman Foster vs. New York: The unique challenges of building here can confound even the giants. By Philip Nobel- Metropolis Magazine |
Gehry's Grand Strides: ...makes like an urbanist in his new plans for Related's [$1.8 billion] nine-acre downtown LA project...champion of stand-alone, sculptural architecture had delivered a surprisingly down-to-earth and practical scheme for the immense mixed-use program... [images]- The Slatin Report |
Digging deep in Manhattan: Piano has woven the disparate [Morgan Library] structures together with meticulous skill and created spaces of physical lightness and luminosity...a building that chooses to house its astonishing treasures in the dense rock of Manhattan, built into the fabric of the earth rather than in a tower in the sky. By Edwin Heathcote- Financial Times (UK) |
Natural History Museum Breaks Ground in San Francisco: $429 million California Academy of Sciences...will feature environmentally-sensitive, energy-efficient building technologies. -- Renzo Piano; Chong Partners Architecture [images]- Interior Design Newswire |
Green from the Ground Up: London's Battle McCarthy Consulting Engineers collaborates with leading architects to integrate environmental design in new building projects. Here are some results. By Andrew Blum -- Kohn Pedersen Fox; Hamilton Associates; Perkins & Will [images]- BusinessWeek |
Something old, something new: Bellevue’s Ambulatory Care Pavilion brings new life to timeless classic -- McKim, Mead and White; Ian Bader/Pei Cobb Freed & Partners [images]- Health Facilities Management Magazine |
Making a Flophouse a Home, and a Decent One at That: ...reinventing the Andrews House...It is not the amount of space that matters; it is how well the space is designed. -- Common Ground Community [images, video]- New York Times |
High-minded protest could ruin a dream: ...the sorry tale of the protracted demise of the magnificent St Peter's Seminary in Cardross...full of sound and fury, which may well signify the death knell of one of Scotland's finest twentieth-century architectural masterpieces. -- Gillespie, Kidd & Coia (1966)- The Herald (UK) |
More bang for your building: She designed the house Melburnians love to hate, but young architect Cassandra Fahey is winning many admirers with the freshness and vibrancy of her creations. -- Cassandra Complex- The Age (Australia) |
Taking a cue from Philip Johnson: 10,000-square-foot...Torno apartment itself can be yours — for just $15-million...nobody's quite sure whether the architect himself actually created it...puts an interesting twist on the City of Toronto's heritage designation for the apartment... -- Quadrangle Architects- Globe and Mail (Canada) |
Film review: Sketches of Frank Gehry: ...this little experiment becomes the most blatant expression of Pollack’s talents as a director and a strikingly sincere portrait of an artist...Ultimately, the film works because Gehry is what everyone wishes celebrities and artists to be: down to earth.- Filmcritic.com |
INSIGHT: Public/Private Space & Yonge-Dundas Square: Pubic/private-sector collaboration and a shared vision deliver CPR to a once-blighted square in Toronto. Effie Bouras, Assoc. AIA- ArchNewsNow |

Richard Meier & Partners: Hans Arp Museum, Rolandseck, Germany |
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