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Today's News - April 27, 2006

CPR for a once-blighted Toronto neighborhood offers a lesson in public/private collaboration. -- A few more eloquent odes to Jane Jacobs we couldn't resist. -- Pedestrian power: why can't Toronto walk the talk? -- Do we really need 8.8 million square feet of office space at Ground Zero? -- The character of the British seaside "is being extinguished by the wrong kind of redevelopment." -- Gehry's seaside development in Hove called "not viable." -- A "striking new docklands development" in Scotland. -- To be good neighbors, Wal-Mart goes Dutch, and McDonald's does brick. -- Does Starck have enough star power for Leeds? -- A Libeskind "sculpture" for Sacramento's skyline. -- Building modern in Rome is no holiday. -- Now the design has been picked, the battle begins over control of Orange County Great Park. -- The 2006 ASLA Professional Awards offer an eyeful of green.

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