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Today's News - April 14, 2006

In New Orleans, plans to salvage and recycle tons of building materials "have been shot down, or gone nowhere." -- A call for engineers to find innovative ways of working with architects to build sustainably - and economically. -- Rybczynski's take on new skyscrapers: "Being iconic is getting harder all the time." -- High hopes that talented firms step up to the plate to offer creative and cost-effective design for L.A.'s new $100-million homeless plan. -- An in-depth study of housing Nigeria's urban poor offers lessons for other urban centers (with words of advice for architectural education). -- While seemingly losing its fear of architecture, "Torontonians needn't flatter themselves by imagining the world has engaged in endless chatter about their city's so-called cultural renaissance." -- New museums in Connecticut and Massachusetts are a breath of fresh air with a touch of avant-garde. -- A Washington, DC, museum getting a much-needed make-over. -- A mini-park in California is a "quirky attraction" and welcome urban space. -- Sydney's modernist houses: a guide to the classics (Modernists vs. Sydney School?). -- Learning to love archi-torture at Yale (a rather amusing report).

EXHIBITION: Barcelona in Progress




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