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Today's News - February 22, 2006

Destroying architecture is now a war crime (per article yesterday, perhaps Moscow's mayor should pay heed). -- Melbourne housing estate design a copy? Architects are livid, but "copyright a grey area when it came to landscape architecture." -- Hong Kong scuttles plan for one of the world's largest cultural centers - not a fair deal for developers. -- Movie studio has big plans (and a billion dollars) for Long Island City waterfront. -- Asia Society goes global; starchitects included. -- Montreal's white elephant airport may become a swan. -- A "political activist masquerading as an architect" wants to see affordable housing on the covers of magazines. -- A traveling exhibit of affordable housing solutions. -- In Qatar, a design conference calls for Arab architects to stop "heritage cloning." -- Hadid wins Beirut project - not just for the prestige. -- Gehry at his "most thoughtful, sensitive and...Canadian." -- A traveling exhibit of affordable housing solutions. -- Architectural League Emerging Voices 2006 to be heard in NYC and Washington, DC. -- One we couldn't resist: An Oath for City Planners, Developers and Architects.




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