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Today's News - February 14, 2006

This month, SMPS lets us in on what it's like to sit on the other side of the table at a presentation. -- An international ideas competition to re-imagine a post-industrial neighborhood in Somerville, Massachusetts. -- Toronto's last chance to do its waterfront right. -- New York's latest "suburban creep": a water park under the Triborough Bridge. -- Low buzz for a new Chicago tower that deserves attention but lacks the "celebrity factor." -- What happens after the celebrity buzz wears off? -- Las Vegas to get a Gehry - its first architectural icon that doesn't have slot machines - with high hopes it will turn the tide of being a city "scorned as an architectural circus." -- "On-Site: New Architecture in Spain'' at MoMA: "a uniquely authoritative moment for Spanish architecture" or its elegy? -- Q&A with Hadid: indeed, the Pritzker Prize did take her by surprise. -- The "first Saudi lady architect" elected to Saudi Engineers Council has big plans. -- Cooper-Hewitt's plans to move some of its archives concern not just a few. -- Book reviews in search of Canadian architecture.




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