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Today's News - January 24, 2006

London picks team for 2012 Olympic Park. -- Orange County Park picks its design team, but Hawthorne wonders if it will be inspired. -- L.A. has master plan for Griffith Park. -- There's a promising new player looking to change the "blocks of Identikit apartments" in U.K.'s city centers. -- Manufactured housing heading for a green transformation, and Yale students take note. -- A Marshall Plan for NYC's Javits Center expansion. -- San Francisco's Museum of the African Diaspora fits perfectly with its neighbors. -- A stroll through the Getty Villa. -- Architecture firms in India facing a paucity of "fresher" talent. -- A house at one with nature. -- New book explores how presidents have used architecture to commemorate themselves. -- Miami exhibition explores the glamour of Jazz Age hotels. -- Registration deadline looms for student design competition.




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