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Today's News - December 9, 2005

A report on Katrina's impact on historic buildings on the Gulf Coast. -- Will hurricane's wrath render moot whether bungalows were designed by FLW and Sullivan? -- Poster child of New Urbanism showing its age. -- In Sydney, landscape architects are unsung heros: on bureaucratic "gentrificatory" and "doctordolittling": "Oh, for anything tasty, wacky, intelligent, unexpected or grand." -- Preservationists may grumble about what's going on with Saarinen's TWA terminal, but there's "something very good about the whole affair." -- In Bellevue, Washington, retail development may be sleek and contemporary, but what the city needs is more "quirkiness." -- Rutgers shortlist down to five. -- AIA names 2006 Gold Medal and Firm Award winners. -- An architect's take on Europe's new keenness for non-box buildings. -- Competition launches for a new apartment tower in Mississauga, Canada. -- Research honing in on "intelligent" heating and cooling systems.




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