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Today's News - November 9, 2005

A call for democratic and equitable planning in New Orleans that includes residents and refugees. -- China plans a string of "eco-cities." -- An 11-year-old (and trendy) Denver neighborhood proves there's life after military base closures. -- Commuter train station parking lots reborn as transit-oriented developments. -- Urban parking garages - "architectural scum, lower down architecture's evolutionary scale than Travelodges" - being transformed into "things of beauty." -- Cincinnati joins the growing trend to eliminate once-vaunted skywalks. -- Atlanta's High Museum "deferential" addition is "an absolute joy to walk through." -- Things are looking up for Oxford's Ashmolean Museum - too long "an embarrassment" behind an elegant facade. -- The Museum of the City of New York's on-again-off-again expansion is on again. -- University of Maryland's Alumni Center is "kind of lovable" and "plenty strange." -- Libeskind's first building in Israel opens. -- Sir Basil Spence to finally get his due. -- Another Inventioneering Architecture lecture online.




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