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Today's News - October 18, 2005

If buildings can be built earthquake-proof in Seattle, Chicago, and Japan, why not in India? -- More Gulf Coast commentary: bulldozers moving too fast. -- Will it be theme park vs. cookie-cutter design, or serious preservation? -- New Urbanism plans might be good for Mississippi, but what of West Palm Beach? -- The march of the mega-developer and mega-McMansions. -- One might consider a 72,000-square-foot home a bit of "architectural gluttony." -- Debating density: Milwaukee offers a "national model for how to reclaim worn-out sites." -- New York could learn from Seattle: good density comes from good planning, not up- and down-zoning. -- Shanghai's building frenzy. -- More on Stirling Prize for Holyrood: a "£431m pariah to star" or an award from the "Royal National Institute for the Blind." -- The U.S. could use a Stirling of its own. -- A Trump "tulip" to bloom golden in Dubai (no architect named, but you must see the image!). -- A new world-class stadium for Dublin (architects named, and you see the images!). -- A Byzantine building lands in the middle of "cozy little Bauhaus boxes" at University of Miami's School of Architecture. -- Nothing traditional about museum displays at the new Nobel Peace Centre in Oslo, but does it work? -- Another big prize: Taniguchi among the new Praemium Imperiale Laureates.




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