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Today's News - August 12, 2005

EDITOR'S NOTE: ArchNewsNow is taking a much-needed break from the summer heat wave -- we'll be back Monday, August 22. ----- Meanwhile, a paradox: "planning and design mask population density" in L.A. (denser than New York!). -- "Vulgaria" the new suburbia. -- A German take on American McMansions: "architectural junk food." -- A new take on housing: build it around the mall (and make it expensive). -- Freedom Center at Ground Zero may not be that free. -- Silence of city planners in Philadelphia has some neighborhoods hiring their own "big-picture" planners. -- Cleveland joins a growing list of cities hiring sustainability experts to save energy - and money. -- Atlanta unveils its NASCAR stripes - green roof included (it took some digging to dig up design team). -- Halprin pleads: "Don't destroy shape and harmony of the Golden Gate Bridge...as a panacea for social and psychological problems." -- Archaeologists plea to save Northern Ireland's Maze Prison from bulldozers. -- Adolf Loos villa is a "homey" museum. -- ASLA names its 2005 Landmark Award winner. -- Summer reading: A book on Nietzsche and architecture selected as one of 14 seminal texts...written on the problem of architectural space. ----- Stay cool...see you in a week!




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