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Today's News - July 7, 2005

Two (more) thumbs-down for Freedom Tower redesign. -- International competition for the Cultural Center of the Philippines raises issues of design guidelines and conformity vs. creativity. -- A last-minute rival to Gehry-designed Brooklyn plan. -- Another Modernist masterpiece threatened: Bunshaft house to get shafted? -- Seattle's new City Hall strives for LEED silver, but it's an "energy hog" (too many fridges in the closets?). -- Piano disappoints Pearman: "My architectural hero has let me down badly." -- A new Toronto tower "an example of good architectural citizenship." -- Housing for the homeless in Ireland "is a delightful place to live." -- "Brand names" raise architectural tourism in Arkansas. -- L.A.'s residential architecture heritage challenges the future. -- A new master plan for University of New South Wales Asia. -- Sky Office Competition results are in (with few surprises except the first thumbs-up we've seen for Freedom Tower). -- Summer reading: a "history of urbanism, ineptly told."




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