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Today's News - July 1, 2005

EDITOR'S NOTE: We will be observing July 4th Independence Day (U.S.) on Monday, and will return on Tuesday, July 5th. ----- Redeveloping industrial brownfields in former steeltowns requires more than money (and at least a touch of "civic psychology"). -- Colorado architects have grand master plan for Kigali, Rwanda. -- Toronto: a city of blandness with touches of architectural grandstanding. -- But there are high hopes for winning proposal to transform Regent Park. -- Not to seek landmark status for Chicago's Wrigley Building "takes us straight through the looking glass and into the realm of the ridiculous." -- Finnish architects win Warsaw's Jewish museum commission. -- Piano's Klee Musuem is "striking and discreet." -- Why technology experts should be involved with campus construction projects from the get-go. -- It's a go for University of Toronto's new Varsity Center. -- An RFQ for University of Virginia arts center. -- Robin Day, still going strong at 90, doesn't design for obsolescence.




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