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RFQ for expansion and renoviation of Jacob K Jacobs Convention Center

Today's News - June 15, 2005

Study reports hot housing boom is not a boon for affordable housing. -- Toronto's new think-tank "jumping into the battle for a new deal for cities." -- Conservatives have (or should have) a place at the table with New Urbanists. -- A "gentrification reality tour." -- A little "branding" can go a long way for a town. -- U.K.'s Design Museum Designer of the Year award exposes a "kudos-hungry design bureaucracy." -- Solar power from painted-on plastic in our future? -- Olympics or not, NYC joins the stadium craze - and should take lessons from Atlanta. -- Bellevue Arts Museum finally gets it right (except for getting the original architect's name right). -- Manhattan's elevated High Line chugs forward. -- Is Warsaw's Palace of Culture and Science an architectural treasure or a symbol of communist oppression? -- Korea's Samsung Museum of Art is an artful blending of three starchitects. -- Is Chicago's "civic psyche" ready for what would be the world's largest mausoleum?

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