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Today's News - April 26, 2005

Australian green building guidelines called misguided. -- An impressive shortlist for Edmonton Art Gallery (impressive list of those who didn't make the cut, too). -- Glasgow looks to Mackintosh to be a marketing tool a la Barcelona and Gaudi. -- Thai developers need to expand their design horizons. -- Toronto's new Ritz-Carlton could be more daring than it is. -- Walker Art Center's artful architecture is "worlds removed from spectacle…" -- Gwathmey's new Manhattan tower called a "green monster…Mies van der Rohe as filtered through Donald Trump." -- Gwathmey's Barn in Connecticut called an architectural wonder. -- Morgan Library makeover puts on a public face. -- Wright's Ennis-Brown house "may soon be more of a ruin than the Mayan structures that inspired it." -- Big ideas (and awards) for small projects. -- Cities ready to pay big bucks for glitzy arenas. -- University still bullish on new stadium despite consultant's study. -- Libeskind takes his tower to California. -- Koolhaas on global style: "We make the icons, but we don't get the benefits." -- Mies's grandson wins bid for Crown Hall Smash Bash.




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