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Today's News - March 17, 2005
Green revolution not a moment too soon. -- "Guggenheim economics" not painting a very pretty picture in Asia. -- Preservationists lose credibility when they "push the definition of what deserves protection to ludicrous extremes." -- Putin takes on Perrault and the Bolshoi Theatre (some amusing - and not so amusing - dialogue). -- Canada gets its own mega-mall. -- Libeskind's Kentucky condo project "swooshes" (and pleases most locals). -- Quaker school will be largest straw-bale building in the world (so far). -- A Brit to turn a top-secret Ukranian submarine base into a tourist attraction. -- A $3 billion hotel opens its doors in in Abu Dhabi (where else?). -- Quebec Order of Architects names 32 finalists for Awards of Excellence - public asked to vote.

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Revolution II saves Earth – the green reconstruction of human society – has already begun, and not a minute too soon. - William McDonough/MBDC; Robert Nobel/Tucker Sadler Architects- San Diego Union-Tribune |
Commentary: Museum project may paint Hong Kong in red ink: Asia's embrace of "Guggenheim economics" recently faltered in Taiwan. (Bloomberg News)- International Herald Tribune |
Making a landmark out of everything gets nothing: ...utterly nondescript building...in Berkeley began life in 1946 as a homey office building...a symbol of why the historic preservation movement is in danger of losing its credibility. By John King- San Francisco Chronicle |
Vladimir Putin Has Become Reconstruction Work Superintendent: ...visited the Bolshoi Theatre and decided for himself to restore it...“How come that man Perrault won the [Mariinsky Theatre] competition if he couldn't confine himself to the sum declared?” Putin asked. - Nikita Shangin; Dominique Perrault- Kommersant (Russia) |
Canada's Newest Mega Mall: Lac Mirabel, the $350 million retail and entertainment complex...320 acres, including Canada's largest indoor aquarium at 140,000 sq. ft. and a 305,000 sq. ft. man-made lake. - Design International- National Real Estate Investor (NREI) |
Riverside tower could make splash: The proposed 21-story, 80-condominium, crescent-shaped Covington building has a notable "swooshing" roofline that sweeps to the sky. - Daniel Libeskind [images]- Cincinnati Enquirer |
Harvest Home: Quaker school's earth-friendly construction -- from straw -- is designed to save energy and teach kids by example the value of 'green' thinking. By Edward Gunts - Hord Coplan Macht- Baltimore Sun |
Brits take on Soviet base: A British architect has drawn up plans to transform a top-secret submarine base in the Ukraine into a tourist attraction. - Wintersgill- Guardian (UK) |
What $3 Billion, More or Less, Buys: A Hotel Fit for Kings: the Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi, which just opened to the public, is said to be the most expensive hotel ever built. - Wimberly Allison Tong & Goo [images]- New York Times |
Quebec Order of Architects announces 32 finalists in its Awards of Excellence: public is invited to vote- Canadian Architect |
Home-grown: Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner Takes on the World [images]- ArchNewsNow |

-- Saucier + Perrotte: The Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada -- Book: Content by Rem Koolhaas |
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