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Today's News - March 15, 2005
A Berlin exhibition shows off home-grown talent exporting their architectural finesse around the world. -- China begins to take green building seriously. -- New Holocaust museum in Jerusalem "adopts a cool, symbolic architecture." -- Cleveland's on-again-off-again museum plans are on again. -- A "simple, understated terminal for Boston airport. -- University of Toronto an $840 million showcase of architectural style; city's main crossroad will no longer be an "architectural smudge." -- New video claims suburbs are doomed. -- Ground Zero arts plans still up in the air (Gehry budget soars). -- Swarthmore College turns to architecture to help set it apart from the pack. -- Movement to turn Mumbai mills into heritage sites. -- Detroit's mini-boom in Modernism. -- Azure magazine celebrates 20th anniversary. -- Christo sets his sight on Colorado project (again).

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Home-grown: Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner Takes on the World [images]- ArchNewsNow |
International Intelligent and Green Building Technologies Conference & Expo the first state-sponsored green building event in China, March 28-30- U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) |
A shaft of light out of the heart of darkness; Jerusalem's new Yad Vashem Holocaust History Museum adopts a cool, symbolic architecture for its work of testimony. - Moshe Safdie- The Australian |
Brilliant plan challenges museum: It's been a week of shock and awe for the Cleveland Museum of Art...to go ahead with a visually stunning, $258 million expansion and renovation designed by Rafael Vinoly... By Steven Litt- Cleveland Plain Dealer |
No flights of fancy: Logan's new Terminal A takes comfort to a simple, understated level - HOK (Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum)- Boston Globe |
Blink and you'll miss one go up: After six years of construction, the University of Toronto is nearing the end of a remarkable building boom that's turning its downtown campus into a showcase of architectural style...spending more than $840-million on new facilities. - Diamond & Schmitt; Norman Foster; Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner; Siamak Hariri- Globe and Mail (Canada) |
On the corner of Yonge and blur: Our main crossroads is an architectural smudge. The situation may soon change [with] a couple of new residential construction projects with big-city attitude. By John Bentley Mays - Young and Wright; Burka Varacalli Architects- Globe and Mail (Canada) |
Running on Empty: If the cost of energy skyrockets, are the suburbs doomed? video: "The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream." - James Howard Kunstler- New York Times |
Downtown Arts Plan Remains Uncertain: In the nine months since four arts institutions were selected to take up residence at ground zero...prospects for all four arts groups remain murky. - Snohetta; Frank Gehry- New York Times |
New Swarthmore College buildings marry tradition and modernity: ..a lively science center and a severely minimalist dormitory... By Inga Saffron - Helfand Architecture/Einhorn Yaffee Prescott; William Rawn- Philadelphia Inquirer |
Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) takes steps to convert Mumbai mills into heritage sites - International Network of Traditional Building Architecture and Urbanism (INTBAU)- Express Newsline (India) |
Detroit, once a pioneer, shows willingness to embrace style: ...a new mini-boom in modernism promises to enliven the downtown scene... By John Gallagher - TMP Associates; SmithGroup; Parsons Brinckerhoff; Skidmore, Owings & Merrill; Albert Kahn; Eero Saarinen; Minoru Yamasaki- Detroit Free Press |
Xxceptional design: Azure magazine's 20th anniversary exhibition, Azure Is XX, is on at the Realtime Gallery in Toronto's Distillery District until March 20.- National Post (Canada) |
Will Christo resurrect Colorado project? Artist duo likely to revisit "Over the River" project to cover the Arkansas River. By Kyle MacMillan [image]- Denver Post |
Wild about Saffron: New York City. A February Tuesday in Central Park; 55 degrees and sunny... By Kristen Richards [images]- ArchNewsNow |

-- Saucier + Perrotte: The Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada -- Book: Content by Rem Koolhaas |
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