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Today's News - March 14, 2005
ArcSpace visits Canada and Koolhaas "Content." -- Competition for a Dublin waterfront park. -- A 12-step program for downtown turnarounds. -- Eminent domain and affordable housing: finding a political and humanistic balance. -- Hope (finally) for sane development of Toronto's waterfront. -- A call to preserve work by "skilled second-tier architects...The world desperately needs non-superstars who can build communities and bring beauty into everyday places." -- Brutalist buildings don't get much respect, but some people actually like them. -- Japan sees value in preserving the legacy of an American architect (no, not FLW). -- In Minneapolis, expanded Walker Arts Center is full of surprises. -- Gehry gets it right for the Art Gallery of Ontario, but it's thumbs-down for cultural complex in West Kowloon (or is it?). -- A multi-faith center in Derby, U.K., of "all white concrete whorls and whirls" fuses "a multitude of beliefs." -- Amid a sea of architectural absurdity, a government building in Miami is a good neighbor "dignity and grace." -- A Boston transit station dazzles. -- IDEO's David Kelley takes on business schools' design IQ's. -- Philadelphia gears up for a citywide celebration of design.

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-- Saucier + Perrotte: The Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada -- Book: Content by Rem Koolhaas |
Call for entries: Royal Canal [Dublin] Linear Park Open 2-stage Competition; deadline: May 10- Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI) |
Turning Around Downtown: Twelve Steps to Revitalization- Brookings Institute |
Balancing Private Property and Public Good: A broader definition recognizes that private-property value and community value are inseparable, that public and individual interests must be in balance. Otherwise, everyone loses. By Roger K. Lewis- Washington Post |
Finally, sanity comes to lakefront: Waterfront Design Review Panel was announced...the first time in this city's history, there will be an expert board whose task is to comment on the quality of architectural and design projects before they're constructed. By Christopher Hume - Bruce Kuwabara- Toronto Star |
How Zook brought beauty into everyday spaces: Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois...puts a spotlight on the skilled second-tier architects...The world desperately needs non-superstars... By Blair Kamin- Chicago Tribune |
Architecture's Rodney Dangerfield: Brutalist buildings don't get much respect, but the style has an interesting history, and some people actually like it:.. - Mathers & Haldenby; John Andrews; Clifford and Lawrie; Le Corbusier- Globe and Mail (Canada) |
Building a legacy: City sheds new light on architect-missionary William Merrell Vories (1880-1964)- Daily Yomiuri (Japan) |
Walker on the Wild Side: We've been waiting for master Swiss architects Herzog & de Meuron to leave their mark on an American city. The place: Minneapolis. The time: very definitely now - Edward Larrabee Barnes (1971) [images]- Newsweek |
Agog at the new AGO: For Gehry, it's been a tough redesign. But this time, it may just be perfect. By Christopher Hume- Toronto Star |
Property giant puts [cultural] hub case in malls: "Building 100,000 square meters of museums under a glass roof [in West Kowloon] didn't appeal to me,'' Frank Gehry told Hong Kong architects...proposal got the thumbs-down...- The Standard (Hong Kong) |
When is a church not a church? When it's a home to every religion - and none. Jonathan Glancey explores Derby's Multi-Faith Centre - Spear Architects [image]- Guardian (UK) |
Minimalism surfaces in a sea of absurdity: Sunny Isles Government Center...is a building that imparts the idea of good citizenship -- an idea too often lost in today's architecture -- and does so with dignity and grace. By Beth Dunlop - Spillis Candela/DMJM- Miami Herald |
On the waterfront, not your average bus stop: The dazzling Courthouse Station can be a hub for culture as well as for transit. By Robert Campbell - Elkus/Manfredi- Boston Globe |
School of Bright Ideas: IDEO is the top design shop in Silicon Valley, now a co-founder is on a mission to change the way students -- and businesses -- think - David Kelley- Time Magazine |
Dean of the D-School: A new graduate-level concept raises MBAs' design IQ - David Kelley/IDEO- Interior Design magazine |
DesignPhiladelphia, a citywide celebration April 1 to 17- DesignPhiladelphia |
Wild about Saffron: New York City. A February Tuesday in Central Park; 55 degrees and sunny... By Kristen Richards [images]- ArchNewsNow |
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