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Today's News - March 11, 2005
Call for entries: sustainable building competition and top hot firms. -- Looking at China, it's time to rethink Western economic model. -- A Boston firm gives Shanghai a taste of its own heritage. -- Big plans for Dallas arts district and riverfront (though not all are pleased). -- A Brighton, UK library "heals the urban fabric." -- Beauty and blue trees: Architectural League of New York 2005 Emerging Voices. -- Riding a mouse's coattails in Anaheim. -- A second city center planned for Amsterdam. -- Ellerbe Becket wins big sports project in Sacramento, but loses sports architects in Kansas City. -- Washington, DC doesn't want more of the same-old-same-old in new stadium. -- Qatar plans 2 million-square-foot "medical city." -- Furniture manufacturers now have green guidelines. -- Preservationists take issue with one of their own who sells off Arts & Crafts collection. -- Rainbow Room roof top opens to visitors.

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Holcim Global Awards for Sustainable Construction; deadline: March 31- Holcim Foundation |
Call for Entries: The Zweig Letter 2005 Hot Firm List; deadline: May 1- ZweigWhite |
Learning from China: Why the Western Economic Model Will not Work for the World. By Lester R. Brown- Earth Policy Institute |
Building the country: Shanghai's evolving architecture reflects China's growing self-confidence: Xintiandi, a [$170m] nine-acre complex...in an open, elegant, low-rise style...is one of the first examples of China preserving its own architecture. - Wood + Zapata [image]- The Economist (UK) |
Council approves Arts District expansion: Dallas council also approves blueprint for Trinity River corridor project- Dallas Morning News |
Emerging Voices: Architectural League of New York 2005’s featured firms talk about beauty, vent pipes, blue trees, and asking whether or not a client actually needs a building. - Christoff:Finio; Claude Cormier; Freecell; OBRA Architects; Predock_Frane Architects; Reed Hilderbrand landscape architecture; John Ronan Architect; SPF:a- The Architect's Newspaper (NYC) |
Regeneration by the book: Brighton's public library heals the urban fabric. By Hugh Pearman - Bennetts Associates; Bennetts Associates [images]- HughPearman.com (UK) |
Disneyland Adjacent: A California development venture bets on Mickey's long coattails...Anaheim GardenWalk, a 390,000-square-foot mixed-use retail/hotel/timeshare project. - Wimberly Allison Tong & Goo; Callison Architects- The Slatin Report |
The Jerde Partnership Master Plan Revitalizes Amsterdam's Amsterdamse Poort; Creates A Second City Center in Centrumgebied Zuidoost- Business Wire |
California State University Sacramento hires architect for [$120 million] events center, stadium - Ellerbe Becket; Hornberger + Worstell; LPA- Sacramento Business Journal |
Ellerbe Becket loses sports architects, engineers: all five principal architects in its Kansas City sports architecture practice leave for jobs at HOK Sport...- Kansas City Business Journal |
Stadium Architects Fear More Of Same: Baseball Pushed Known Firm to Bid - HOK Sport; Harwood K. Smith; Skidmore, Owings & Merrill- Washington Post |
Granary Associates Named Healthcare Planner/Design Architect for Hamad Medical City, Doha, Qatar; One of the Largest Healthcare Design and Construction Projects in the World - Granary Associates/Kitchen & Associates/ECRI- Business Wire |
BIFMA Sustainability Guidelines Released- Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer's Association (BIFMA) |
Post-auction, an uproar in the Craftsman clan: Randell Makinson, a pioneer in preserving pieces by Greene & Greene, sells his collection, and the sparks fly. [images]- Los Angeles Times |
An Old View Is New Again, 70 Stories Up: After 19 years and a $75 million revamping, the observation roof atop 30 Rockefeller Plaza is going to reopen. - Gabellini Associates- New York Times |
Wild about Saffron: New York City. A February Tuesday in Central Park; 55 degrees and sunny... By Kristen Richards [images]- ArchNewsNow |

-- Alsop & Partners: Ben Pimlott Building, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK |
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