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Today's News - February 14, 2005

ArcSpace brings us Gehry and Vitruvius. -- We lose a master dedicated to healing devastated urban neighborhoods. -- A not-so-glowing ode to Philip Johnson: "a product of wealth, good connections, and media savvy." -- This week, London shows off (but can it pull off?) it's Olympic dreams (it's New York's turn next week). -- Big plans for an old public housing project in Toronto - but are they the right plans? -- Big plans for Edinburgh and Belfast draw thumbs-up and thumbs-down. -- Time for Mumbai to reclaim its waterfront. -- Hard to tell if Trump's Chicago spire will inspire - no one has seen the drawings. -- An old warehouse in Hoboken has green dreams. -- An Oregon university project is a lesson in the beauty of frugality. -- A new Holocaust museum in Jerusalem "of unusual boldness." -- A museum in Baden-Baden is close to perfect. -- Columbia's Dean of the Graduate School of Architecture weighs in on the new MoMA: "subservient yet elegant good manners" not something to celebrate. -- Calatrava feted with AIA Gold Medal in D.C. -- Timeline of winning the eBay bid for rare Taliesin photographs (rebate included). -- Happy Valentine's Day!

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