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Today's News - November 22, 2004

ArcSpace takes us to the Taniguchi exhibit inside his MoMA, while the critics continue to praise (thesaurus's in hand, it seems - though the art critics we've read are none to kind to the art installations - and the torrent of prose should start receding soon). -- Then there are the other arts blooming (or will bloom) in new homes in Manhattan. -- The Canadian War Museum "is the most remarkable architectural project" in the country and warrants being seen empty. -- Britain embraces Modernism. -- Toronto searches for a signature skyscraper style to call its own. -- Sky-high images show Ireland being devastated by sprawl. -- U.K. supermarket chain could use some high design in their otherwise "super-bland" stores. -- Koolhaas coming to Rome's Coliseum? -- Campbell spends a night with Wright. -- Libeskind's book tour takes him to Toronto and Denver (and leaves some good and bad impressions). -- Awards for urban design in Australia and residential design in San Francisco's Bay Area.

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