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Today's News - October 28, 2004

Commercial buildings win big in Ireland. -- Libeskind project back on track in San Francisco. -- Mr. Gehry builds his dream house. -- Green projects in New Mexico and Washington, DC, LEED the way. -- Are competitions on the way out? -- A Chinese artist blossoms as an architect: "It seems to me that bad buildings give in to many temptations, and good ones are able to limit temptation. That's about all I know about architecture, and it seems enough." -- A São Paulo park in a no-man's land blossoms with rocks. -- A new campus "arts village" for Nashville. -- Architecture students take on a jazz club in Kampala. -- Call for entries to UIA student competition. -- Exhibition of "superb" photos of synagogues opens in New York today. -- High Point displays a low point in American design. -- Perhaps designers should pick up a copy of Terence Conran's new book for inspiration.

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