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Today's News - October 20, 2004

Cooper-Hewitt's National Design Award winners announced last night; Praemium Imperiale International Arts Awards to be bestowed tomorrow. -- Study suggests WTC collapse was not design flaws. -- Design collaborations: some work, some don't. -- The new American must-have: iconic architecture. -- Holyrood's architecture represents Scotland with "uncommon poetry, optimism and courage." -- Pelli builds big in Connecticut. -- A look at Mad Max Drax power station, the U.K.'s modern Stonehenge. -- 10 British "monstrosities" that deserve the wrecking ball. -- Libeskind's "mojo manual," faith, competitive streak (and belief that he could have designed a better Holyrood). -- RISD students make Virgin Island resort more user-friendly. -- Dublin conference looks at the future of housing in Ireland. -- Call for entries to design Montreal gardens. -- RFP for psychiatric facility in Massachusetts. -- Exhibitions in New York, Connecticut, and Montreal serve up Modernism.

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