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Today's News - August 20, 2004
We lose a preservationist who inspired a movement. -- RFP issued today for The Drawing Center at WTC site (September 1 deadline!). -- A new book blames TV and sprawl for urban ills. -- "Supersized" developments threaten Melbourne's planning blueprint. -- A new initiative to beautify Cairo. -- The war against ugly buildings spreads to Zambia. -- A Modernist icon in Michigan threatened; another bites the dust in Scotland. -- A symposium to explore how Pittsburgh reinvented itself. -- Rethinking building codes in hurricane-battered Florida. -- The architectural treasure trove of Columbus, Indiana. -- A low-budget church design that sparkles. -- Slowly but surely a children's museum takes shape in Michigan. -- A post-capitalist view of cities: in a classless society, architects would be "remunerated for effort and sacrifice…architectural innovation would not be biased…Nor would there be a profit motive, inherent in the private property of capitalism, which sacrifices the quality of our built environment…" (some good ideas, but are we the only ones who find it just a bit scary?). -- Eye-popping Art Deco show comes to Boston.
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Obituary: Charles E. Peterson, 97, preservationist...credited with shaping historic preservation in Philadelphia and around the country.- Philadelphia Inquirer |
Request for Proposals - deadline September 1: The Drawing Center's new facility at the World Trade Center site; seeking Architectural Planning, Project Management; Marketing and Communications, Strategic and Business Planning- The Drawing Center |
Television and Sprawl Contribute to Deterioration of Communities: “Deciphering the City”: [new book explores] globalization, the psychology and structure of the city, and urban problems and solutions.- Newswise |
Spotlight on future-city blueprint: A report on a controversial development...has raised questions about the validity of the Melbourne 2030 planning blueprint and the strength of local planning rules. [images]- The Age (Australia) |
Clearing the rubble of urban chaos: Once described as "Paris on the Nile", Cairo is in dire need of a facelift. ...the latest initiative to beautify the city - National Organisation for Urban Harmony (NOUH) [images]- Al-Ahram (Egypt) |
Architects Declare War On Lusaka's Ugly Buildings: Zambia Institute of Architects believes good architecture is essential to economic growth and diversification.- AllAfrica |
Hard times for icon ahead of its time: Isn't a modernist work as worthy of preservation as a Victorian theater or Gothic church? By John Gallagher - William Kessler- Detroit Free Press |
Bulldozers beat listing inspectors to 1950s home: ...knocked down just days before a Historic Scotland inspector was due to visit with a view to awarding listed building status. - Sir Basil Spence- The Scotsman (UK) |
Carnegie Mellon Cornerstones Announces "Pittsburgh Prosperous and Sustainable" Symposium Sept. 29: School of Architecture's 2004 outreach program focuses on the reinvention of the Pittsburgh region.- Carnegie Mellon University |
After Hurricane Charley, a New Look at Stiffer Building Codes- New York Times |
Columbus is home to inspired designs: J. Irwin Miller helped establish city's reputation. The city of Columbus has an official motto -- "Different by Design" -- and an unofficial one: "Athens of the Prairie." - Eliel & Eero Saarinen; I.M. Pei; Venturi; Roche; Pelli; Kennon; Birkerts; SOM; etc.- Indianapolis Star |
Jubilee Outreach church design attracts attention: ...low-budget...architecturally chic... - Kell Munoz Wigodsky- San Antonio Express-News |
Taking shape, little by little: Mid-Michigan Children's Museum - The Haizlip Firm; Peter Exley- MichiganLive |
Architecture of the New Society [and] Other Post-Capitalist Visions of Cities: a broad vision of how cities, architecture, spatial design and our built environment evolve within a participatory economy.- ZNet |
The Essence of Wit and as Cool as Jazz: "Art Deco: 1910-1939" at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston [slide show]- New York Times |
Modern Meets Tradition: University of Michigan Museum of Art Expansion/Restoration - Allied Works Architecture [images]- ArchNewsNow |

-- Expansion & renovation: Tétreault Dubuc Saia et associés: Palais des Congrès, Montréal, Québec -- Exhibition: "Tall Buildings," MoMA QNS, New York |
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