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Today's News - August 18, 2004
We lose a Berlin master and an architectural philanthropist. -- A very interesting take on what to do with architectural eyesores. -- Cyberspace hosts Iraqi arts. -- Big plans for Riviera Beach, FL, and Edinburgh's Cowgate. -- Ongoing competition (and barbs) for Kansas City stadium. -- Gehry may get library project (move over Koolhaas?). -- National Underground Railroad Freedom Center gets (almost) everything right. -- A "green" office offers tours and a guidebook to inspire others. -- Exploring the golden era of San Francisco high school architecture. -- Architects and writers design garden follies. -- ASLA honors community service and a landmark.
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Obituary: Josef Paul Kleihues, 71, designer of Chicago's coolly modern and controversial Museum of Contemporary Art... By Blair Kamin- Chicago Tribune |
Obituary: J. Irwin Miller, 95, Columbus [Indiana] native built Cummins into a Fortune 500 firm and transformed his hometown into an architectural gem. ...paid...for some of the nation's most distinguished architects to design more than 50 public and private buildings [partial list of architects/projects]- Indianapolis Star |
Only one thing to do with our monumental eyesores: ...if architecture wants to come back to the people, the scale must change, and so, too, must our attitude. By Melanie Reid- The Herald (Scotland) |
In Iraq, gestating forums for culture mature in cyberspace: "In-Betweenity"...bilingual website that will eventually develop into a concrete exhibition...in Rotterdam...will include visual art, architecture, film, poetry, music and more...- Daily Star (Lebanon) |
BCArchitects Changes The Face Of Riviera Beach, FL With $180 Million Marina Waterfront Development - Gentile, Holloway, O’Mahoney & Associates- PR Web |
Date set for £20m Cowgate [Edinburgh] rebuilding project: ...nightclubs, bars, restaurants, offices and shops on the fire-hit Cowgate site. - Malcolm Fraser- The Scotsman (UK) |
Local firm joins Gehry: Two groups seek contract to design downtown's Sprint Center - Gehry/Crawford Architects/Black & Veatch; Downtown Arena Design Team (HOK Sport/Ellerbe Becket/360 Architects/CDFM²- Kansas City Star |
Deerfield has designs on library by Gehry: ...presents a chance to respond to...Rem Koolhaas' new Seattle Central Library. By Blair Kamin- Chicago Tribune |
Slavery's Harsh History Is Portrayed in Promised Land: National Underground Railroad Freedom Center - Walter Blackburn [slide show]- New York Times |
Working While "Walking the Talk": Five years ago World Resources Institute opened..."green" office...has chronicled its efforts to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions...to inspire other organizations to follow their example. - Hellmuth, Obata + Kassabaum- Environmental News Network |
Golden Oldies: When form equaled function: high school architecture from its prime...that decade was the 1920s. - John Reid Jr.; Timothy Pflueger; Newton Tharp [images]- San Francisco Chronicle |
Writers Block follies combine literature with design. ...a garden of whimsically designed structures, known as "follies," inspired by Princeton authors. - Richardson Smith Architects; Kevin Wilkes; Nastasi Architects; Gil Rampy; John James Rivera; Alan Goodheart; Ronald Berlin; etc.- Princeton Packet |
Writers Block: Architects, landscapers and artists have put together a village of pavilions for authors. [images]- Princeton Packet |
ASLA 2004 Community Service Award Announced: West Philadelphia Landscape Project [also link to ASLA/National Trust for Historic Preservation 2004 Landmark Awardee: Morris Arboretum]- American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) |
Modern Meets Tradition: University of Michigan Museum of Art Expansion/Restoration - Allied Works Architecture [images]- ArchNewsNow |

-- Expansion & renovation: Tétreault Dubuc Saia et associés: Palais des Congrès, Montréal, Québec -- Exhibition: "Tall Buildings," MoMA QNS, New York |
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