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Today's News - August 17, 2004
It must be Ugly Building Day in Scotland (architects pick a demolition hit list); Toronto (so bad the architects aren't even mentioned); and Seattle (architect demands correction, might sue, and critic quits). -- Design grand projects keeping in mind the "ordinary people who will - or otherwise won't - use them" (what a concept!). -- A downtown campus where art and architecture colleges (and businesses) have plenty of room to blossom. -- A green school is "the poster child for eco-minded." -- Expanding seminary to include affordable housing and performing arts center. -- Zero-energy houses not the stuff of dreams anymore. -- Landscape architects create and artful garden. -- Architects re-imagine security barriers. -- New conferences focus on transportation alternatives and sustainable building techniques and technology. -- 3-day journal report from CA Boom (with lots of pix).
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Architect calls for Scotland’s ugliest buildings to be torn down: Five buildings headed a hit list for demolition - George Ferguson/RIBA- The Herald (Scotland) |
Welcome to the dead zone: It's not easy to spend $60 million rebuilding an office tower and have little or nothing to show for it. What started as one of the most wretched examples of architecture in Toronto remains exactly that. By Christopher Hume- Toronto Star |
Seattle Post-Intelligencer Critic Quits After Flap Over Negative Article: So why did Sheri Olson... leave...Chalk it up to a biting critique, a disgruntled designer, and a newspaper that refused to ensure indemnity... - Weber + Thompson- The Stranger.com (Seattle) |
[the review that started it all] Mediocre apartment-retail building misses an opportunity to be a star. By Sheri Olson - Weber + Thompson [image]- Seattle Post-Intelligencer |
Kansas City's destiny should be destinations: What architects and planners need to remember when designing their grand projects...are the ordinary people who will — or otherwise won't — use them each day. - Fred Kent/Project for Public Spaces- Kansas City Star |
Downtown campus a beacon for North Dakota State University, city: century-old restored building ushers in a new age in which its art and architecture colleges will have plenty of room to blossom. - Michael Burns- In-Forum News (North Dakota) |
Object Lesson: A new school building that teaches green ideas...has quickly become the poster child for eco-minded...and anyone interested in the health of public learning spaces. By Zahid Sardar - 450 Architects [images]- San Francisco Chronicle |
Seminary in Pasadena Has Plans to Expand: ...700 [affordable] housing units, a prayer garden and a performing arts center if the $79-million project is approved by the city. - William McDonough- Los Angeles Times |
Now, zero energy houses that don't pollute - Oak Ridge National Laboratory / Building Technology Centre- Webindia123.com |
Avant-Green: Landscaping as a Fine Art - Peter Walker; Martha Schwartz; Ken Smith; Mario Schjetnan; Topher Delaney; Walter Hood; Andy Cao; Claude Cormier; Christophe Girot; Land-I [slide show]- New York Times |
Raising the Barrier: Architects fight terror with style. - Archi-Tectonics; Michael Van Valkenburgh; Beyer Blinder Belle; Fox & Fowle Architects [images]- New York Magazine |
GOING Conference on Advanced Transportation Options: Explore better transportation systems for our environment and community, September 10-11, Boulder, CO- GOING |
Ecobuild America premieres June 20-23, 2005 in Orlando: ...combines sustainable building techniques with the technology that supports the entire process...- PR Web |
Report: 3 days at CA Boom: A Festival of Contemporary Design- Land+Living |
Modern Meets Tradition: University of Michigan Museum of Art Expansion/Restoration - Allied Works Architecture [images]- ArchNewsNow |

-- Expansion & renovation: Tétreault Dubuc Saia et associés: Palais des Congrès, Montréal, Québec -- Exhibition: "Tall Buildings," MoMA QNS, New York |
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