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Today's News - August 13, 2004
Wanted: design team for London's Jubilee Gardens. -- Getting back to basics to make cities lovable and livable. -- Some surprises in study of inner-city kids and their neighborhoods. -- Malls transforming into life-style centers (and other euphemisms?). -- Politicians need to demand better buildings in Philadelphia. -- New book explores how historic and modern don't necessarily have to compete. -- Another take on plans for Manhattan's High Line. -- National Slavery Museum taking shape. -- University going for 2010 Olympic stadium gold. -- Big plans for Harvard Law School. -- Two neglected Philadelphia gems brought back to life. -- Construction underway on large mixed-use project in Seattle. -- Australian architects take on the Venice Biennale. -- Architect Registration Examination adopts a "rolling clock" schedule. -- Honolulu architect too close to politics?
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