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Today's News - April 9, 2004

Architects' billings predict economy. -- Planning problems in Australia relate to government commitment as much as sustainable development rules. -- Where have all the tall buildings gone? Edifice envy in Chicago and high-rise dangers in Bangladesh. -- A sense of place in the suburban wilderness of west Dublin. -- U.S. brownfields turning green (with a British accent). -- Seattle waterfront: "a once-in-a-century opportunity." -- On-again-off-again Acropolis Museum is on again (maybe). -- An impressive advisory committee for Ground Zero museum. -- Manhattan's Skyscraper Museum with a home of its own - at last. -- Will it be the New Center for Arts and Culture or the Boston Museum Project (and one of two marquee architects) who build on a Boston greenway? -- Big plans still a go for Seattle Art Museum. -- Women in architecture: still a struggle. -- Saving treasures in California, Massachusetts, and Ireland. -- Weekend diversions: Archigram in London, and Charlotte Perriand at Princeton.

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Architects' Activities Could Predict Economy; ...data on billings at architecture firms...is a strong predictor of future construction activity. By Alex Frangos- Wall Street Journal

Disruptive development: The solution to the State’s planning and development problems is as much a sustainable government commitment as the Sustainable Development Bill.- The Adelaide Review (Australia)

Edifice Envy: When gauging Chicago's architectural reputation, does size still matter? Quality, rather than sheer massiveness, is a "very hot topic right now"...Council on Tall Buildings symposium April 15-16. By Lynn Becker- Repeat

The heart of the matter: ineffectual, ineffective and inadequate: As they stand today...the core of a high-rise building is in a contemptible state. A disaster is looming. People will die...therein lies the importance of the role of an Architect.- The Daily Star (Bangladesh)

Establishing a sense of place in a suburban wilderness: A new residential scheme in west Dublin is completely different to the monotonous two-storey housing so typical of the area. By Frank McDonald - Howley Harrington Architects- Irish Times

Barratt Developments blazes a trail in US brownfield regeneration: UK housebuilder wants half of its Californian operations to be in urban renewal sector by 2009- Building (UK)

Design teams come up with 22 ways to redo waterfront: "a once-in-a-century opportunity"- Seattle Times

Court OKs Acropolis Museum - Bernard Tschumi- Kathimerini (Greece)

24 Are Appointed to Set Details of Museum at Ground Zero- New York Times

Spires to Greatness: The new downtown Skyscraper Museum celebrates Manhattan's towering achievements, all on one floor. By Justin Davidson - Roger Duffy/Skidmore, Owings & Merrill- NY Newsday

Making their case: Two groups, two visions...in line to compete head-to-head for maybe the last available parcel on the Rose Kennedy Greenway. - Daniel Libeskind; Moshe Safdie- Boston Globe

Seattle Art Museum Announces Capital Campaign with Increased Goal - Brad Cloepfil/Allied Works Architecture; NBBJ; Weiss/Manfredi Architects/Charles Anderson- Art Museum Network News

Building Careers, Despite the Barriers: ...the struggle of women in architecture and the real challenges they face, today and in the past. By Roger K. Lewis- Washington Post

Breaking the colour barrier: To the Los Angeles neighbourhood of West Adams, the South Seas House is more than a historic landmark - it is a symbol of hope. - Michelle McDonagh- Financial Times (UK)

Save modernist houses, Friends of Modern Architecture beg: Fear architecture hotbed may be lost - Henry B. Hoover; Walter Gropius; DOCOMOMO-US- Boston Globe

Conserving the old to mix it with the new: ...the past couple of years has seen a rise in both the demand and the availability of a recognised new category of architect - the conservation architect. - Anne Fletcher/Coady Partnership- Irish Times

Archigram: Their brilliant, sometimes barmy designs look remarkably un-dated and this Design Museum show usefully documents how much they contributed to an architectural vision... By Edwin Heathcote- Financial Times (UK)

A Modernist and Innovator, Rediscovered: Charlotte Perriand- New York Times

Stately Restoration: New York State Capitol Assembly Chamber Floor: A treasure trove of 19th century design is restored and adapted for a 21st century democracy. - Françoise Bollack Architects- ArchNewsNow


-- Nearing completion: Rem Koolhaas/OMA: Seattle Public Library
-- Exhibition installation: The Moderns, Pacific Design Center, West Hollywood
-- Symposium: Reimagining Grand Avenue, Los Angeles (Gehry, Hadid, Cobb, Daly, et al)
-- Zaha Hadid, Pritzker Prize 2004 Laureate (as everybody else but a little different!)
-- Tadao Ando: International Library of Children's Literature, Tokyo


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