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Today's News - March 11, 2004
New York state of mind: 5 plans for Olympic Village (bathing in the East River, anyone?). -- Starting with podiums instead of towers at Ground Zero. -- Container housing as a kit-of-parts. -- Luxury living space as limited edition fine art (purchase price includes signed model). -- A call to save British eyesores: icons of New Brutalism "concrete monsters." -- A futuristic building called "a slug with a glass eye" and "an architect's ego-trip" (architect not named). -- Activists want Sierra Club to go beyond green agenda to control sprawl and pollution. -- American Capital of Culture: price tag for Saskatchewan may be too high. -- A community project may win LEED Platinum. -- What the world needs now is more classicism says classicist architect. -- Q&A with Libeskind. -- Pursing "The Pursuit of Happiness" make creative elite happy. -- Wanted: outstanding corporate innovators.
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Let the Design Sprint Begin: Here are five scenes from the buffed-up city yet to come. By Herbert Muschamp - Henning Larsens Tegnestue; MVRDV; Morphosis; Smith-Miller + Hawkinson Architects; Zaha Hadid Architects- New York Times |
Olympic Village: Rising along the East River for the 2012 Games - Henning Larsens Tegnestue; MVRDV; Morphosis; Smith-Miller + Hawkinson Architects; Zaha Hadid Architects [links to images]- NYC2012 |
Ground Zero Will Wait to Grow to Its Full Height: Until the end of this decade, there is likely to be only one skyscraper, the Freedom Tower, soaring over a low-rise retail archipelago. By David W. Dunlap- New York Times |
Jets Get Museum If City Gridiron Rises On 33rd St.: ...decision to add cultural and retail elements to the stadium is an attempt to buttress claim...will prove a magnet for development and pedestrian traffic in the area.- New York Observer |
Contain Yourself! When it comes to housing, can thinking outside the box mean living inside a box? - Adam Kalkin/Architecture and Hygiene- Village Voice (NYC) |
The Art of Selling Luxury Condos as Art: ...marketing apartments as as "limited edition" residences. - Richard Meier; Cesar Pelli; Michael Graves [images]- New York Times |
Save our eyesores! Another icon of New Brutalism faces destruction...the unloved Tricorn Centre in Portsmouth. But, says Jay Merrick, some of these concrete monsters are important classics. - Owen Luder- Independent (UK) |
A futuristic building criticised as "a slug with a glass eye" and "an architect's ego-trip" is to go up in Lustleigh.- Herald Express (UK) |
Sierra Club could add immigration to green agenda: being targeted by activists who want it to lobby to limit immigration...the only way to curb sprawl and pollution- USA Today |
Saskatchewan selected as the American Capital of Culture for 2005: But it's not clear how much money the province would have to spend for that recognition...concerns over expenses- Canada.com |
Urban Barn Raising: While big developers work nearby, Cascade neighborhood residents preserve a block for eco-friendly renovation...an architectural organism that harvests trash, irrigates a garden, and demonstrates sustainable urban living. - Jones and Jones- Seattle Weekly |
Giving Neo-Classical a Little More Neo: The architect Thomas Gordon Smith builds houses, civic buildings and the occasional monastery with the irony-free rigor of an ancient. [images]- New York Times |
Q&A: "Meaning and Memory" at Ground Zero: Architect Daniel Libeskind discusses his plans for the site where the Twin Towers once stood- BusinessWeek |
Design: The storming of the brains: What makes 800 of America's smartest, most wildly successful architects, designers, inventors...and other members of the creative, academic and financial elite happy? Ruminating about "The Pursuit of Happiness" at the TED conference,- International Herald Tribune |
Call for Nominations: PDMA’s Outstanding Corporate Innovator Award for 2004; deadline April 16- Product Development & Management Association |
Case Study: HGA Stakes Its Claim in California- ArchNewsNow |
Hopes are Ever Higher: Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for High Line Master Plan Issued by Friends of the High Line and NYC- ArchNewsNow |

-- Competition winner: Coop Himmelb(l)au: European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany -- Sneak preview: Schmidt, Hammer & Lassen: Århus Art Museum, Denmark -- The Architect's Studio: Sketches by Glenn Murcutt -- Book: Glenn Murcutt: A Singular Architectural Practice By Haig Beck and Jackie Cooper -- Images: Makoto Sei Watanabe: K-Museum, Tokyo |
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