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Today's News - March 10, 2004
We lose an Irish master. -- Los Angeles may lose environmental and cultural agencies. -- Hong Kong may lose a big chunk of its harbor. -- More debates about Manhattan developments. -- $600-million Melbourne development uses multiple talents. -- China as the El Dorado for architects. -- The anti-monster home: pre-fab modernism not an oxymoron. -- Illinois Wright finds a home in Pennsylvania. -- Toronto museum patron and his architect not at all happy with Gehry design. -- A new museum honoring Arab-Americans in Michigan. -- A new office building is both playful and unnerving. -- Marketing takes on new meaning for architects. -- A dream house in Manhattan. -- Unearthly landmarks in Lancashire.
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Obituary: Simon J. Kelly, 78, one of Ireland’s most respected architects- Western People (Ireland) |
Cultural, Environmental Agencies May Face Elimination: City officials consider scrapping programs that support the arts, pollution-reduction.- Los Angeles Times |
Hong Kong court backs controversial harbor reclamation (Reuters)- Environmental News Network |
Debating Development II: More Sites Pro and Anti Specific NYC Development Projects (Ikea In Red Hook, West Side Stadium)- Gotham Gazette |
QV development: In a clever piece of urban design strategy...a number of architects to design different components...exhibiting all the fads and clever techniques of this moment in architectural time. - J. J. Clark (1911); Wardle; McBride; Denton Corker Marshall; Lyons [images]- The Age (Australia) |
New rich trade gray flats for trendy homes: ...China an El Dorado for architects. - Zaha Hadid; Rem Koolhaas; Riken Yamamoto; Antonio Ochao-Piccardo- Asia Times |
Building modernism on a pre-fab budget: Royal Homes's new Q series invents a new aesthetic with a design and philosophy that is more Le Corbusier than trailer park. By Lisa Rochon - Kohn Shnier Architects; Levitt Goodman Architects- Globe and Mail (Canada) |
Employing the shame factor: Preservationists' strategy has the Wright effect for house from Lisle; Hoboken tribute to 9/11. By Blair Kamin - Jeanne Gang/FLOW Group; Frederic Schwartz/Brian Tolle- Chicago Tribune |
Landmark finds a new home: Lisle's endangered Wright house going to Pennsylvania. By Blair Kamin [image]- Chicago Tribune |
Angry Tanenbaum quits the board of Art Gallery of Ontario over new design: describes project as "needless destruction" ...especially the Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Atrium - Frank Gehry; Barton Myers- Toronto Star |
A tribute at the crossroads of the Arab-American experience: ...new Arab-American museum set to open in January 2005 in Dearborn, Michigan. - Youssef Ghafari; Jack Rouse Associates- Daily Star (Lebanon) |
Northbrook office worth a double take: Is this building interesting or is it good? ...at once playful and unnerving. By Blair Kamin - Valerio Dewalt Train Associates- Chicago Tribune |
Once reticent, architect and engineer firms market heavily- Boston Business Journal |
Britons Build Manhattan Dream Home from Scratch in New York's trendy Greenwich Village - Matthew Baird- Reuters |
Landscape landmarks unveiled: Designs for three new public art pieces to line the Lancashire landscape have been unveiled at an awards ceremony. - Peter Meacock; Jo Rippon Architecture/Sophie Smallhorn; Landlab [images]- BBC (UK) |
Case Study: HGA Stakes Its Claim in California- ArchNewsNow |
Hopes are Ever Higher: Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for High Line Master Plan Issued by Friends of the High Line and NYC- ArchNewsNow |

-- Competition winner: Coop Himmelb(l)au: European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany -- Sneak preview: Schmidt, Hammer & Lassen: Århus Art Museum, Denmark -- The Architect's Studio: Sketches by Glenn Murcutt -- Book: Glenn Murcutt: A Singular Architectural Practice By Haig Beck and Jackie Cooper -- Images: Makoto Sei Watanabe: K-Museum, Tokyo |
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