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Today's News - March 9, 2004
A Midwest firm stakes a successful claim in California. - Top 25 U.S. business cities (and the 10 worst metro areas). - U.K.-Japan seminar series offers insights. - NYC Planning Commission offers guidelines for a vibrant, user-friendly WTC site. - First, pave paradise with a parking lot, and then put a lid on it (ersatz paradise?). - In Washington, DC, an alley "…friendlier to rats than humans, has been transformed into a sophisticated, lively urban lane." - San Diego shortlists teams for bay front makeover. - "Holyrood syndrome" should be entering our lexicon soon (all the makings of a mini-series?). - Building a landmark of the future in Lower Manhattan. - Trump takes on Toronto. - Shipping container construction closer to reality. - Urban explorers everywhere go spelunking. - A Cebu architect earns his architectural stripes abroad, then sets up shop at home. - A Roman architect wants to finish the Colosseum: "…you could use brick" (!??!).
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Case Study: HGA Stakes Its Claim in California- ArchNewsNow |
Top 25 Cities For Doing Business in America: includes ranking of 277 large, medium, and small cities, and a separate ranking of the top cities by major industries- Inc. magazine |
UK-Japan Cities of the Future: Regeneration and Urban Life seminar series begins March 24- Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation |
City Planning Commission Reviews World Trade Center Plans: Recommends Guidelines to Ensure Reintegration of Site into Lower Manhattan, And Create Vibrant, Pedestrian-Friendly and Inviting Place- NYC Dept. of Planning |
Kirkland to see waterfront lid ideas: ...lid over a city-owned parking lot to create a new plaza of restaurants, entertainment areas and landscaped open spaces with more parking spots below.- Seattle Times |
An Alley That Turns a Corner In Urban Design: In Georgetown, Planners Break Free of History's Grip. By Benjamin Forgey - Shalom Baranes; Martinez & Johnson; Mark McInturff; Suman Sorg; Frank Schlesinger [image]- Washington Post |
5 teams to vie to make over San Diego bay front [6, actually] - Chong Partners Architecture/Olin Partnership; Beyer Blinder Belle/Civitas/Steel Group; EDAW; Frederic Schwartz Architects/Ken Smith Landscape Architect; Hargreaves Associates; Sasaki Associates/Rob Wellington Quigley- San Diego Union-Tribune |
Holyrood progress group is blasted by expert: should have told the parliament about recurring difficulties caused by the tense relationship between architect Enric Miralles’ practice in Barcelona and Edinburgh-based partners RMJM.- The Scotsman (UK) |
Builder Whose Cubes Are Definitely Not Square: Frank J. Sciame Jr.: "...you've also got to build the landmarks of the future: the way I see it, it's almost a responsibility." - Santiago Calatrava- New York Times |
Condo credo: You can't be too thin or too rich: Trump Tower makes a point. By Christopher Hume - Zeidler Partnership- Toronto Star |
Shipping container construction imagined for local site: Winning design could be built elsewhere - Fox & Fowle- Gloucester Daily Times |
Where others fear to tread: Urban Explorers: Thrill-seekers delight in visiting off-limit venues [images]- Vancouver Sun |
Trailblazing in Cebu: Architect Alexius B. Medalla...comes home after nine years... [image]- The Manila Times |
Rome - Born Architect Dreams of Completing Colosseum: ``It wouldn't take much, you could use brick'' - Carlo Aymonino- New York Times |
Hopes are Ever Higher: Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for High Line Master Plan Issued by Friends of the High Line and NYC- ArchNewsNow |

-- Competition winner: Coop Himmelb(l)au: European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany -- Sneak preview: Schmidt, Hammer & Lassen: Århus Art Museum, Denmark -- The Architect's Studio: Sketches by Glenn Murcutt -- Book: Glenn Murcutt: A Singular Architectural Practice By Haig Beck and Jackie Cooper -- Images: Makoto Sei Watanabe: K-Museum, Tokyo |
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