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Today's News - March 8, 2004
Big plans for Toronto's waterfront to be unveiled. -- A California 'burb is "stuccoed whimsy at a grand scale" with "all the quirks and loose ends of a community trying hard to center itself." -- Boxy, bland 'burbs biting the dust all over the place. -- Just saying no to big box retailers. -- The architect who "invented the shopping mall in order to make America more like Vienna…ended up making Vienna more like America." -- A sculptor takes on the office building of the future. -- Status of MIT's Stata Center: three years late, three times as expensive, and "only scattered areas wired with the futuristic technology promised by its wildly free-form architecture." -- A Holocaust museum blends visual symbolism, architecture, and exhibitry. More sour grapes about WTC memorial design. -- In Portland, one architect creates and ensemble of libraries. -- A champion of ADA before there was ADA looks forward to her services being obsolete. -- Firewise initiatives proving they may not be so wise. -- Rousing profiles of three masters: an educator, a "classically obsessed traditionalist," and a modernist with spirit.
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Waterfront corporation unveils East Bayfront [tonight]: scheme would see the area...transformed into a multi-use district with public green space as well as 7,000 to 9,000 housing units... By Christopher Hume - Koetter Kim- Toronto Star |
Downtown grows in ... Windsor? ...proves that traditional suburbs are a lot more flexible than outsiders give them credit for. By John King [images]- San Francisco Chronicle |
Boxy, bland burbs reach dead end: Developers slowly yield to homebuyers' calls for something different- Denver Post |
Whoa, Wal-Mart. Local governments have every right to draw the line on the retail behemoth's potential destruction - from abandoned sites to air pollution.- Albuquerque Tribune |
The Terrazzo Jungle: Fifty years ago, the mall was born. America would never be the same. - Victor Gruen; Alfred Taubman- New Yorker |
Chip off the old block: Jonathan Glancey on how a sculpture by Christopher Le Brun became the template for the office of the future - RHWL Architets [image]- Guardian (UK) |
Monumental effort: MIT's Stata Center is a striking example of cutting-edge architecture. It is also late in completion, expensive, and a bit scaled-down. - Frank O. Gehry- Boston Globe |
Holocaust museum's design is 'in your face' - Neumann Smith & Associates; Randy Metz; Houghton Kneale Design- MichiganLive |
Not everyone agrees that WTC [memorial] design is a winner: Competition results spark controversy. By Robert Campbell - Michael Arad/Peter Walker- Boston Globe |
Perfect pitch: The opening of the Hillsdale Library completes Thomas Hacker's harmonic re-interpretation of libraries for Multnomah County. By Randy Gragg- The Oregonian |
An architect with disabilities champions public accessibility for all. By Sheri Olson - Karen L. Braitmayer/Studio Pacifica- Seattle Post-Intelligencer |
Crying "Fire!" in a Crowded Landscape: Do Firewise initiatives ward off—or help spark—catastrophic wildfires?- Landscape Architecture |
Evolution Architect: Vince Scully, now 83, is a man of his time, his creative and active mind constantly assessing and reassessing the role of the architect in American life.- Hartford Courant (Connecticut) |
Shock of the old: He is our most controversial architect - precisely because he is so uncontroversial. In a world obsessed with modernism, could this classically obsessed traditionalist be the ultimate rebel? - Quinlan Terry- Observer (UK) |
Signature Style: Warren Callister...Boldly modern, yet arising from the spirit of the place...still doing architecture at 87 [images]- San Francisco Chronicle |
Hopes are Ever Higher: Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for High Line Master Plan Issued by Friends of the High Line and NYC- ArchNewsNow |

-- Competition winner: Coop Himmelb(l)au: European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany -- Sneak preview: Schmidt, Hammer & Lassen: Århus Art Museum, Denmark -- The Architect's Studio: Sketches by Glenn Murcutt -- Book: Glenn Murcutt: A Singular Architectural Practice By Haig Beck and Jackie Cooper -- Images: Makoto Sei Watanabe: K-Museum, Tokyo |
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