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Today's News - January 27, 2004

Museums lead the news list: AGO anticipation mounts; re-visioning Bellevue; architecture students visionary in their own right. -- Bold urban symbols called for in Portland. -- San Francisco sees inspiration in Vancouver. -- One Colorado town to be new poster child for smart growth; another offers lesson in affordable co-op housing. -- Has an urban agenda been left out of presidential politics? -- A kit of green parts for houses in Australia. -- Californians go over the top for Tuscan treacle. -- Holyrood in the news again (and it may actually get finished -- Zen garden included). -- A Modernist house "erected when architecture meant something" may face the wrecking ball. -- A restored Miami hotel is an ode to glamour. -- Competitive bidding for federal projects is a go (it took long enough!). -- Now it's down to the nitty-gritty details of actually making the WTC memorial work. -- Ant Farm still makes us think, crawl - and smile.

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Anticipation mounts for Art Gallery of Ontario" To some he's Frank, to others Frankenstein...Frank Gehry's scheme...already it has the profession in a state of anticipation. By Christopher Hume- Toronto Star

Changes brewing for Bellevue Art Museum building: ...working with the building's architect to make the space warmer and more welcoming. - Stephen Holl- King County Journal (Washington)

Kansas University architecture students envision Spencer Museum expansion - Polshek Partnership; Rene Diaz and Peter Pran [images]- Lawrence Journal-World (Kansas)

Civic identity: We can't stand still -- the Portland area needs to recharge its civic identity with bold, new urban symbols. By Randy Gragg- The Oregonian

San Francisco obsessed with Vancouver: California city's planners positive about our urban development; Thom Mayne/Morphosis in Vancouver Tuesday. By Trevor Boddy - Skidmore, Owings & Merrill; Heller-Manus- Vancouver Sun

Four Corners growth spurs city to shape its direction: ...a style that would be a benchmark in the smart-growth movement. - Jeff Speck- Denver Post

Boulder grant helping to create affordable co-op home network: Chrysalis House will be 2nd permanently affordable co-op in city's housing stock- The Daily Camera (Colorado)

The Urban Agenda: The presidential campaigns are in full swing, but the issues facing cities are largely absent from the debate. Is there an urban agenda in national politics?- Gotham Gazette

Home green home: Sustainable Affordable Living Australia...hope to begin selling green houses, in kit form- The Australian

Not exactly la bella figura: When Californians get their hands on Tuscan style, all sorts of horrors can emerge...more the feel of Epcot Center than suburban Florence.- Financial Times (UK)

Holyrood building costs to rise again: price remains at £401.1 million...more money could be needed next month to make sure the building is completed by late summer.- The Scotsman (UK)

Writing's on wall for Holyrood vision: architect wanted a "constituency wall"...parliament bosses have adopted a watered-down version - Enric Miralles- The Scotsman (UK)

A modernist masterpiece: Pleasure: It is a wildly unique gem of local architecture. Horror: Market forces are likely driving this toward teardown. - William Lescaze- Main Line Times (Pennsylvania)

Restored Ritz-Carlton fits SoBe's [South Beach] Glam Row: ...an ode to a time and place that never really was... By Beth Dunlop - Morris Lapidus/Melvin Grossman; Nichols, Brosch, Sandoval & Associates/Jeffrey Howard Associates- Miami Herald

U.S. Senate Passes Omnibus Appropriations Bill Containing Federal Prison Industries Relief Measure: opens contracting opportunities to competitive bidding- Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer's Association (BIFMA)

Nuts and Bolts (and Water) Challenge 9/11 Shrine - Michael Arad; Peter Walker- New York Times

Once Underground, Ant Farm Burrows Out: Did you know that Buckminster Fuller was once kidnapped by a bunch of radical hippie architects?- New York Times

INSIGHT: RINCONoitering: How Vancouver Ideas Do - and Do Not Help - in Shaping San Francisco's First High Density Neighborhood. By Trevor Boddy [images]- ArchNewsNow


The Camera: Photographer Edmund Sumner: Jubilee Church By Richard Meier & Partners


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