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Today's News - November 14, 2003

Ground Zero opinions and news: finalists will be announced next week. -- New museums for Manhattan and Kansas. -- A bigger museum in Seattle. -- Safdie selected for Philadelphia library. -- Massive master plan for London's 2012 Olympic bid. -- South Africa consults with experts to win 2010 World Cup. -- After five tries, Princeton finally says yes to Gehry. -- NRDC (and Robert Redford) like things green. -- An L.A. house is termite-proof. -- Newspaper to make new HQ green. -- Scottish architects make an international mark. -- Japanese businesses seeing the light: design does affect productivity. -- Wind farms lead the list of eyesores. -- Honoring Plato. -- ASLA honors.

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Jury Wants All 5,201 Plans for 9/11 Memorial on Display; Weiss/Manfredi Architects to study improvements in the area around the Brooklyn Bridge anchorage- New York Times

Opinion: Libeskind Isn't Finished - Robert Ivy, Architectural Record- New York Times

INSIGHT: The Might-Have-Been Memorial. By Fred Bernstein- ArchNewsNow

Lunchbox for Art: A New Museum...deftly composed lunch break of a building... By Herbert Muschamp - Saana [image]- New York Times

Seattle Art Museum unveils expansion design - Brad Cloepfil/Allied Works Architecture [images]- Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Architect recommended for Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art - Kyu Sung Woo Architect- Johnson County Sun (Kansas)

Library chooses architect for addition: Board members believe Moshe Safdie can help the Free Library realize its larger role in an advancing world. By Inga Saffron- Philadelphia Inquirer

EDAW unveils Lea Valley Olympic masterplan: Design for London's 2012 bid includes largest urban park to be built in Europe for two centuries. - Foreign Office Architects- Building (UK)

HOK Sport to advise South Africa on 2010 Football World Cup bid- Building (UK)

Architect outlines a swooping vision: next October construction is expected to start on Princeton's first Gehry-designed building...- The Times (New Jersey)

A Building So Green, It's Platinum: Southern California office of the Natural Resources Defense Council - Moule & Polyzoides [images]- New York Times

Against all elements: Architect Russell Johnson set out to build a house that could withstand fires, earthquakes and even termites. [images]- Los Angeles Times

'Star' Rises Over Kansas City: Paper Stays Downtown With New Printing Building...pursuing a LEED registration - Austin Co.; Juan Moreno/Design Studio;- Editor & Publisher

Firm that builds on the past to improve the future: much-respected partnership credited with giving post-war Scottish architecture an international profile - Morris & Steedman- The Scotsman (UK)

Everything happens by design: Most Japanese offices are really boring...situation is slowly changing... - SL&A International- Japan Today

Wind farms top poll of architectural eyesores: dislike more than...motorway service areas, conventional power stations and ugly office buildings- Independent (UK)

Talk honors pioneering architect: African-American architect Samuel M. Plato behind several area buildings [images]- Courier-Journal (Louisville, KY)

Seven New ASLA Honorary Members Named- American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)


-- RIAS Award for Best Building in Scotland: An Turas, Tiree - Sutherland Hussey Architects, with Jake Harvey, Glen Onwin, Donald Urquhart & Sandra Kennedy
-- Exhibition: Museums for a New Millennium, Miami Art Museum
-- Benson & Forsyth: Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh
-- Book: "Eichler: Modernism Rebuilds the American Dream" By Paul Adamson & Marty Arbunich


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