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Today's News - January 27, 2003

Lower Manhattan and other global cities: "…strategic, creative activities - whether economic, cultural or political - thrive on density." -- Poetry and practicality as new visions for new century. -- An extraordinary architectural experiment. -- Last week, Gaudí's 77-year-old design was dusted off; this week it's a 70-year-old "Vertical Highway." -- Viñoly interview covers just about everything. -- Pentagon performance report released. -- High honors for distinguished contributions to architecture. - The U.K. finds "the holy grail - cheap, high-density housing that saves the planet, looks sexy and has gardens, too." -- The Scottish Parliament saga "is bad for architects." -- In Milwaukee, "Pier Wisconsin's Calatrava wannabe stands to devalue the real thing." -- Can Plymouth, UK, be the next Barcelona? -- Louisville museum explores the world for expansion inspiration - and makes a show of it. -- A science center joins Toronto's building renaissance. -- Predock takes on Tacoma. -- What you see (and like) may not be what you get. -- Scholarship honoring slain architecture student awarded.

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How Downtown Can Stand Tall and Step Lively Again: strategic, creative activities...thrive on density. By Saskia Sassen- New York Times

Commentary: Replacing twin towers mixes poetic and practical: Architects compete to design a new vision for the 21st-century city.- Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Nine visions for venerated Ground Zero: ...lower Manhattan has become the focus of one of the most extraordinary architectural experiments in history. By Steven Litt- Cleveland Plain Dealer

A Suburban Street Straight Up Into the Sky? 70-year-old "Vertical Highway" design by Lazar Khidekel proposed for Ground Zero- New York Times

A Conversation With Rafael Viñoly: what he thought of the original twin towers; why the Times endorsed his rival; whether any of the new plans will actually get built at ground zero [transcript]- Gotham Gazette

Engineers Report On Pentagon Building Performance Presents Significant Findings On Structural Resistance To Progressive Collapse- American Society of Civil Engineers

Nine Receive AIA 2003 Institute Honors for Distinguished Contributions to Architecture- AIArchitect

Come the revolution: Jaw-dropping architecture. Green. Affordable. Bedzed...UK's most revolutionary housing. - Bill Dunster- Guardian (UK)

Dewar's dream: Scotland's new Parliament is a lesson in how not to commission a public building. By Giles Worsley - Enric Miralles; RMJM- Telegraph (UK)

Still time to revise Pier Wisconsin design: It relates to the Calatrava building only in a negative way... By Whitney Gould - McClintock Architects [image]- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Deal Clinched with Architect: could transform Plymouth's city centre and waterfront. - David Mackay/MBM Arquitectes- Plymouth Evening Herald (UK)

The Art of Expansion: Speed Art Museum...facing expansion...looked at 50 museums in 15 countries- Courier-Journal (Louisville, KY)

Ontario Science Centre to get $40M facelift - Diamond and Schmitt Architects- Toronto Star

The daredevil architect and his self-effacing museum - Antoine Predock- The Oregonian

Drama is in details of N. Shore blueprint: But it appears we may have to fight for them. By Patricia Lowry - Strada [image]- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

First Stephen Lawrence bursary awarded: Trust helps young people from black and ethnic minority groups to become architects.- This is Local London


- Coop Himmelb(l)au + Partner: Musée des Confluences, Lyon, France
- NOX: D-Tower, Doetinchem, The Netherlands
- A visit to: R. M. Schindler's Buck House, Los Angeles, California
- Álvaro Siza: University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain


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