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Today's News - November 27, 2002
Portland as poster child for new urbanism. -- The future of America can be seen in Las Vegas. -- Jerusalem's attempt at a Bilbao effect called "unfathomable investment in an institution whose content is vague and whose facade looks like a pile of stones." -- An "aerotropolis" for Detroit? -- An old English quarry to be transformed. -- RFP for book chapters with a focus on smart growth. -- A nay vote may scuttle Segway scooters in San Francisco. -- Homes designed by students "not interested in mediocrity." -- Melbourne's new gallery "a new shared public space." -- Finding Le Corbusier's roots…and more.
Editor's note: We send wishes for a happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday to our US readers…the newsletter will return on Monday, December 2.
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City Life: Why Portland Works and How Dallas Could: Portland,k the poster child of new urbanism, had a plan - and stuck to it.- D Magazine |
America heads down Paradise Blvd.: If you want to know what the great U.S. cities will look like in 30 years, take in the Las Vegas Strip.- CBS MarketWatch |
Jerusalem looks to Spain for a `miracle': $200 million Center of Human Dignity-Museum of Tolerance...So much space for so little content. - Frank Gehry [image]- Ha`aretz (Israel) |
Trying to Raise a City in the Shadow of Detroit's Airport: Pinnacle Aeropark...an aerotropolis could be like Amsterdam and Hong Kong and Dallas [image]- New York Times |
Café culture in quarry villages: a unique opportunity to mix the best of English architecture - Eric Kuhne- News Shopper (UK) |
Request for Proposals: University Efforts to Encourage Smart Growth. Deadline - January 15, 2003- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
S.F. supervisors vote to ban Segway scooters from sidewalks: Mayor expected to veto ordinance- San Francisco Chronicle |
Building a house, building a home: Studio 804 students make designs into reality [slide show]- University Daily Kansan |
Art's new angle: National Gallery of Victoria extension at Federation Square - Lab Architecture Studio; Bates Smart [image]- The Age (Australia) |
Reconstructing Le Corbusier’s Swiss legacy [images]- Swissinfo |
Exhibition/Award: Borneo Sporenburg Residential Waterfront, Amsterdam, by West 8 Urban Design & Landscape Architecture [images]- ArchNewsNow |
Symphonic Shimmer: Dortmund Concert Hall by Architekten Schröder Schulte-Ladbeck Strothmann [images]- ArchNewsNow |

- Diller + Scofidio: ICA Boston - Kisho Kurokawa & Associates: Technopolis Eco-Tec City, Singapore - Polshek Partnership: Newseum, Washington, D.C |
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