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Today's News - November 25, 2002
This week at ArcSpace: Boston, Singapore, and Washington, DC. -- Director of LMDC likes what he sees in team plans for Ground Zero (but won't divulge details until next month). -- A New York suburb has big plans (and none too soon). -- Are UK city centers losing out to mall-mania? In one case, a brownfield/parking lot is slated to become a bustling urban center. -- US city centers' revival tied to two-way streets. -- Tracking fog for solar power in San Francisco. -- In Lebanon, lessons from the past for future architects and planners. -- High praise for an underground station. -- A call for cultural identity in international architecture. -- New buzzword: urban ecology. -- Safdie gives Washington, DC two gateway buildings. -- More praise for Holl's Simmons Hall. -- A house of mud…and more.
Editor's Note: Apparently, we have 7 days free trial to The Architects' Journal. Then the new subscription package kicks in…almost £70! (We'll keep posting as long as it's free.)
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- Diller + Scofidio: ICA Boston - Kisho Kurokawa & Associates: Technopolis Eco-Tec City, Singapore - Polshek Partnership: Newseum, Washington, D.C |
A Conversation With Roland Betts, director of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation [transcript]- Gotham Gazette |
Big plans afoot for downtown New Rochelle: ambitious development plans...could bring a hotel, office buildings, stores, major new parks, more apartments and new streets - Fox & Fowle Architects; Saccardi & Schiff- Journal-News (Westchester Co., NY) |
Where am I? How did the heart of Huddersfield lose its sense of identity and Britain's city centres become clones?- The Guardian (UK) |
Ellis Williams Architects submits Durham masterplan for planning permission: will turn a temporary car park into the bustling mixed-use development. [image]- The Architects' Journal (UK) |
Waukesha finds a better way than 1-way: not a magic bullet for a failing downtown...more and more cities are coupling downtown revitalization with a return to two-way streets. By Whitney Gould- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel |
For Solar Power, Foggy City Maps Its Bright Spots: an unusual effort to transform San Francisco into the country's largest municipal generator of solar power and other renewable energy.- New York Times |
Tomorrow’s leaders learn about yesterday’s mistakes: Architect teaches International College students a thing or two about historic homes - Mona Hallak- Daily Star (Lebanon) |
Heavens below: Why can't all Britain's new public buildings be as bold and beautiful as Southwark tube? By Jonathan Glancey - Richard MacCormac [image]- The Guardian (UK) |
Architect looks for ‘a room with a view’: Award-winning Dutch designer says ‘mobility is an expression of cultural identity’ - Francine Houben/Mecanoo- Daily Star (Lebanon) |
Wild Cities: It's a Jungle Out There: the new frontier of environmental studies: urban ecology: Urban density is favored over suburban sprawl- New York Times |
Office deep secrets exposed: award-winning ASB Bank building in Albany is "a tough box on the outside" - Hamish Boyd/Jasmax [image]- New Zealand Herald |
Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates: Institute of Peace and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms: a pair of very different, very fine designs. By Benjamin Forgey - Moshe Safdie and Associates [image]- Washington Post |
At college, a dorm that feels like real life: At MIT, Steven Holl's Simmons Hall reflects the tensions of a world that is no longer utopian in spirit...it is one of the most inspired housing designs built in America in decades. By Nicolai Ouroussoff- Los Angeles Times |
Concrete awards: call for entries closes on March 31, 2003- Infolink (Australia) |
The medieval house of King Cob: Using materials centuries old, one man has created a house of mud that's warm in the winter and cool in summer...people are asking him to build homes for them, too- Independent (UK) |
Symphonic Shimmer: Dortmund Concert Hall by Architekten Schröder Schulte-Ladbeck Strothmann [images]- ArchNewsNow |
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