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Today's News - November 19, 2002

A new concert hall in Germany hits all the right notes for the renaissance of an urban neighborhood. -- Detroit loses a master. -- Architects to explain their own WTC plans (what a concept!). -- Venice Biennale proves Europeans care more about architecture than Americans. -- In the UK, "Subtopia…a city with no gods other than Prada, Gucci and Starbucks with no ultimate purpose beyond stupefying consumption" (that sounds fun). -- Post-modern engineering for a sustainable age. -- Seattle hits and misses with Kingdome stadium replacements. -- Modern architecture in Mexico City. -- Mies makeovers in Chicago. -- It's a go for Gehry's AGO in Toronto. -- Luxury replaces Disney and Warner Bros. on 5th and 57th. -- Kiosks: the newest design awards category. -- "New Hotels for Global Nomads" gets a no-go review. -- Design (and credibility and name recognition) really matters. -- Russian Tee Room: golf museum to replace landmark eatery (what will they do with the bears?)…And more.

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Symphonic Shimmer: Dortmund Concert Hall by Architekten Schröder Schulte-Ladbeck Strothmann [images]- ArchNewsNow

Obituary: William Kessler, 1924-2002: Architect left mark on city- Detroit Free Press

Big debut sought for WTC plans: Viewing format debated- NY Daily News

Technology paving the way to a future of freewheeling forms: Why do Europeans care so much more than Americans about architecture? By Robert Campbell- Boston Globe

One day all this will be executive homes: Which came first: the city, or the shopping mall? Jonathan Glancey goes in search of the newest new town - Eric Kuhne; Rem Koolhaas- The Guardian (UK)

Post-Modern Engineering: To create sustainable green buildings, engineers must leave behind traditional practices for a completely new approach to systems design- CMDFirstSource

Opinion: Sodo so-so — hits, errors, goals: Both stadiums look better than the Kingdome — what wouldn't? — neither one is in the top rank of recent U.S. stadiums. By John Pastier- Seattle Times

New Mexican architecture: There is a satisfying circularity about the latest set of proposals for Mexico City. By Hugh Pearman - Luis-Vicente Flores; Alberto Kalach; Felix Candela; Ricardo Legorreta; Enrique Norten/TEN Arquitectos; etc. [images]- HughPearman.com

Illinois Institute of Technology aims to restore 2 buildings by Mies Mies van der Rohe- Chicago Tribune

Frank Gehry gets nod to redesign Toronto's Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO)- National Post (Canada)

A new uptown arena for glamour brands: luxury is fighting back on East 57th Street - Jun Aoki; Gensler; Michael Gabellini;- International Herald Tribune

Best by Design: Breakthrough Kiosk Design — from Theory to Effective Execution - and Awards [images]- Kiosk Business Magazine

Just traveling through: A largely unimaginative New York exhibition on worldwide trends in hotel design presents a partly obstructed view of a tantalizing subject. By Nicolai Ouroussoff [images]- Los Angeles Times

Design Really Matters- ClickZ

U.S. Golf Buys Russian Tea Room: Manhattan landmark soon to become a golf museum and history center. (AP)- New York Times

Book Review: "Henry Hornbostel: An Architect's Master Touch" assesses Hornbostel's influence on Pittsburgh- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette


- Dorte Mandrup Architects: Seaplane Hangar H53, Offices for Cell Network, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Rafael Viñoly Architects: Tokyo International Forum


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