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Today's News - August 27, 2002

While the Johannesburg Summit attempts environmental progress on a global scale (and there's not too much to report so far), we present specific attempts in the U.S., Canada, UK, and Australia. Four U.S. cities await word of an Olympic win. The tale of the birth of a Washington hotel is a litany of almost worst-case scenarios, but it has a happy ending. This end up: Container living is on the horizon. The Cardinal enjoyed working with Moneo (and learned all about cement). Kansas is offering some pretty nice perks to get HOK Sport HQ. High rises in Tokyo are changing the landscape - and the weather. A lesson from Seattle about how not to design a park…and much more.

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Poverty in a Land of Plenty: Can Hartford Ever Recover?- New York Times

City gives new lease on brownfields: Hamilton is working to revive abandoned and contaminated urban properties- Globe and Mail (Canada)

Experts hit out over Callan Park [61-hectare site] plan: does not satisfy the requirement for "best practice" in the state's own planning policies.- Sydney Morning Herald

Planners queue for Prescott's urban summit- Financial Times

The first heat for the Olympics of ... 2012: Four cities are in fierce competition for Tuesday's first cut in the US bid to host the lucrative event a decade from now.- Christian Science Monitor

Heartburn Hotel: No one said it would be easy opening a trendy hotel in a 160-year-old abandoned government office building. But this was ridiculous - Michael Stanton; Mary Oehrlein; Cheryl Rowley- Washington Post

A policy of containment: Habitats of the future designed to fit in a cargo hold - Ada Tolla and Giuseppe Lignano/LOT/EK- International Herald Tribune

Conversations: The Divine Developer: Cardinal Roger Mahony on the 100-Year Tale of the Cathedral, Working With Moneo- LA Downtown News

In luring HOK, Kansas is playing a better game than Missouri- Kansas City Star

Scottish design in better shape than ever: Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) makes the contention in its annual yearbook- The Herald (Scotland)

High-rise buildings changing landscape of Tokyo- Japan Today

Tokyo swelters as all those people produce climate-changing heat- Environmental News Network

Topography of Terror: Seattle's Freeway Park is a garden of earthly delights--for the city's crazed...is the stuff of nightmares. [images]- The Stranger.com (Seattle)

2002 European Heritage Days launch in Essen, Germany- Council of Europe

Architecture Parlante: The Darwin Centre by HOK International- ArchNewsNow


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