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ArchNewsNow Today
March 1, 2002

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Welcome to the ArchNewsNow.com home page!

Very shortly this site will be hosting feature articles, special sections, a comprehensive industry calendar, and much more. We welcome comments, suggestions, and submissions.

Monday we e-mailed the daily newsletter to our subscribers for the first time...right on schedule!

Our software development team is committed to keeping our Web site pages and the newsletter very small so the site will remain very fast, and the newsletter won't clog up your e-mail.

Kristen Richards, Editor-in-Chief




De-constructing our built environment: Discarded construction materials account for a large proportion of the world's waste. But a change in design approach could dramatically reduce this waste. (Build Magazine)- Strategic Data (New Zealand)

Design in the city is as changeable as the climate By Blair Kamin- Chicago Tribune

New Chief Says It's Go on Lincoln Center: $1.2 billion redevelopment plan (free registration-required)- New York Times

Towering erection throbs over Roppongi- Japan Today

Ararat kit homes aim for gold at Beijing Olympics: RAL Homes...potential supplier for the Olympic village- The Age (Australia)

Projects Leading Industry Out of the City- St. Petersburg Times (Russia)

Federal government wants new courthouse - Kohn Pederson Fox- Buffalo News

Feng shui a Sausalito voter issue: Planned city building called energy blocker- San Francisco Chronicle

The Chrysler Building: New York's most glorious skyscraper- Salon.com


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