Seasons Greetings, Merry
Christmas, and Happy New Year to you, our subscribers around the world!
Since March 2002, ArchNewsNow has brought you almost 100 feature and news
articles, and several thousand press items from around the world. It is my hope
that you have found them a mix that was informative, interesting, inspiring,
provocative -- and fun. Your observations, suggestions, and submissions
indicate that you have. I look forward to continuing the dialogue through 2003.
We are taking a much-needed deep breath and a break to spend extra time with --
and give extra thanks for -- our family and friends (we hope you do the same).
The newsletter will post again on Monday, December 30, and resume daily
postings on Thursday, January 2.
Until then, we wish all of you a most joyous holiday season, wherever you are.
Kristen Richards
(presented in no particular
geographic or alphabetical order…)
- Meilleurs voeux
- Bonne Année
- Beste Wensen
- Gelukkig nieuwjaar
- Felices Fiestas
- Frohe Festtage
- Auguri di buoni festi
- Season Greetings
- Happy New Year
- Buon Anno
- Fröhliche Weihnachten und Ein Glückliches Neues Jahr
- Joyeux Noel et Heureuse Nouvelle Année
- Buon Natale e un Felice Anno Nuovo
- Chag Sameach
- Vrolijk Kerstfeesten
- Beste wensen voor het nieuwe jaar
- God Jul och ett Gott Nytt År
- God Jul og Godt Nytår
- Feliz Navidad y Feliz Ano Nuevo
- Feliz Natal e Prospero Ano Novo
- Bon Nadal
- Glædelig Nytår
- Kellemes Karacsonyi unnepeket es Boldogujevet
- Hyvä Joulua ja Onnelista Uuta Vuorta
- Nama Sahl de bahot bedai
- Wir wünschen Dir und Deinen Freunden ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein
gesundes und erfolgreiches Neues Jahr.
- Selamat Hari Natal
- Selamat Hari Tahun Baru
- Xin Nian Quai Le
- Christmas cush ho ke manabo, dinner ruj ke kanna, suk saveli na rabo.
- Kala Cristoganou
- Eid Saeed
- Yoi otoshi wo
- Nama Sahl de bahot bedai
- Sat sri Akal
- Mele Kalikimaka
- Nollaig Shona