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Book Review: A Subversive Book Every Architect Needs: "Architect's Essentials of Negotiation" by Ava J. Abramowitz Supposedly architects don't need negotiating skills along with other communication skills because great design "sells itself." How lovely that an AIA legal counsel created this definitive book to shatter that thin myth. By Norman Weinstein June 5, 2009 If this headline seems over-the-top for a book authored by someone who never practiced architecture a day in her life, I’ll assert that only a critically-positioned outsider to the profession could have written a book with this valuable slant. Abramowitz has served as deputy general council for the American Institute of Architects and distilled her legal experiences with A/E/C issues in an earlier book, Architect’s Essentials of Contract Negotiation (Wiley, 2002). The cover of this new book suggests that Architect’s Essentials of Negotiation is the second (implicitly updated) version of Abramowitz’s 2002 book. It isn’t. It is much more.
Her topic isn’t centered upon contract negotiation. Her subject spans the entire negotiating process at the center of ALL architecture practice. That’s why this book is so slyly subversive. Instead of answering the age-old question of what exactly architects do with the pithy response of “design,” Abramowitz envisions architects designing-and-negotiating through numerous iterations because the optimal architect-client relationship, in all of its various dimensions, demands the constant exercise of negotiating skills.
Her model for negotiation is essentially that formulated by the Harvard Negotiation Team and codified in Getting To Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by Roger Fisher and William Ury. Fisher and Ury propose that negotiations should focus upon the common interests linking both parties, however contrary their stated positions and personalities. Getting to Yes has sold millions of copies, with some surely landing in architecture offices. So there is nothing unique in Abramowitz suggesting that Getting to Yes makes a dandy desk reference. Her position gathers power when you begin to realize the scope with which she envisions the negotiation process, crystallized as she responds to an architect-friend who complains about never having being taught negotiating skills in school:
“Architects have to negotiate everything – not only their salary each year, but also design with owners, school boards, contractors, everybody, all the time. How can you function without knowing how to negotiate?”
Using effective negotiating skills comes long before contract negotiation, Abramowitz cogently argues, and entails architects attaining the clearest possible comprehension of what their clients want and don’t want from them, painstakingly interpreting client communication whenever that information is pertinent to the problem solving needed for project success. Buttressing an architect’s ability to negotiate effectively is knowledge of a client’s previous history with other architects, their value system, and design ideas.
Interestingly, these skills in “reading” potential clients are generally as neglected in architecture school as are the Fisher/Ury negotiation skills. That is what makes this book so deliciously subversive. It throws a monkey wrench into the “business as usual” of many architecture schools where marketing and communication skills are cursory “add-ons” during a student’s last year, a neglect Abramowitz hammers at. Implicit in any “design-driven” curriculum concept is that the “business” side of design is what lawyers are for. Supposedly architects don’t need negotiating skills along with other communication skills because great design “sells itself.” How lovely that an AIA legal counsel created this definitive book to shatter that thin myth.
BTW, while this book is close to perfection, I would strongly suggest dodging the three superfluous introductions (nearly two dozen pages of endorsements from an owner, an architect, and a construction lawyer), and jump immediately into the author’s fine opening chapter. It was probably someone in a marketing department who thought it would enhance sales to have a triple “Good Housekeeping” seal of approval from everyone but the Pope. Open to any chapter and you’ll find a goldmine of practical advice about how to streamline and clarify negotiating key financial and design issues with your clients. Just the advice on how to decode purposefully obscure contract language justifies this book’s immediate purchase If you’re involved in any way in architectural education, be subversive and recommend this book as the first assigned reading for entering students. This is what the world – of architecture and everything else – needs now.
Norman Weinstein pens the Words That Build series and has written several book reviews for ArchNewsNow, and writes about architecture and design for The Christian Science Monitor and teaches communication strategies to architects. He can be reached at nweinste@mindspring.com.
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